What is the Pathfinder Program?


The Pathfinder Program is a self-paced personal development program founded on the idea that personal success and happiness ultimately come from enhanced self-awareness. Through the program you will be guided through a success alignment, which covers essential personal development components including values, beliefs, goals, skills, support, and success. 

What will you learn by using the Pathfinder Program?

  • Gain an in-depth understanding of what makes you tick
  • Make decisions that are congruent with your values
  • Explore empowering and dis-empowering beliefs
  • Create a professional skills development plan
  • Establish goals that excite and motivate you
  • Be held accountable to your goals
  • Start to view success on your own terms

One-On-One Coaching – 

This is the process of the coach helping the client overcome an issue or improve performance. It revolves around sharing experiences and knowledge around specific topics or areas, showing how to best approach different situations, and laying out the steps that should be used when executing the task. This means that I can take the time to understand the unique challenges that the client is facing and show them the most effective way to move forward.

Group Coaching – 

This is where the coaching conversation is put into a small group context. It's an intimate conversation space, focused on goal setting, deepening awareness around key issues, taking action, and accountability.

For group coaching I will have 5-10 people together for approximately 2.5 hours every week for at least 6 consecutive weeks.