What Puts a Child at Risk?




What Puts a Child at Risk?


Poverty is one of the main things that affect At-Risk Youth. When a child's daily needs aren't met it is hard for them to focus on their education.

An unstable school environment is a contributing factor that affects at risk youth. Many of these youth are constantly switching from school to school which stops them from getting the academic support he or she needs.

Paul Garwood Coaching

I am a Master Life Coach and Empowered Action Coach specializing in accountability, focused action and goal achievement. I am passionate about athletes and at-risk youth becoming better in all areas of their lives. 

With me as your Coach:

You will discover answers, find solutions, and create possibilities to move forward in the area you want coaching. 

You are whole, complete, and resourceful, and I will coach you knowing that! I’ll work one-on-one with you to take action in your life, career, relationships, business, and health to create the life you want to be living.

I work in Restorative Justice at the Middle School level.

I am also a seasoned entrepreneur, professional speaker, basketball coach/trainer. I am the founder of Paul Garwood Coaching, Elite Hoops Spotlight scouting service, and the Co-Founder of L.I.D. Mentoring Program (Life Skills, Integrity, Development).

I am a Board Member for Boys Hope, Girls Hope Detroit and The Youth Community Agency. 

